My journey began in my late teens when a deep depression sparked my search for truth, connection, wholeness and meaning. 

Since 2005, I have dedicated my life to personal development, spiritual practice, backpacking, nature immersion and creative expression. Work exchanges in land-based communities have eased financial pressures and allowed me to forge a unique path, that I walk every day of my life. 

In the Andean Cosmovision I discovered the idea, that each culture holds a colour of the rainbow of ancestral wisdom, which together form a complete body of teachings. Today, at this critical point in our evolution, many carefully preserved and effective spiritual practices are available to us, speaking of a time when the colours of the rainbow are reuniting to complement each other.

This vision deeply resonated with me and on this page I want to share the traditions and teachers to which I feel most deeply connected. 

Honouring my Teachers

In the following section, I will share the teachers who have most influenced me over the years and whose practices I integrate into both my personal life and my offerings, such as coaching calls and workshop facilitation.

Modern Druidry

If studying in multiple traditions can be compared to speaking multiple languages, then the druidic approach is like my mother tongue, because it is rooted in the landscapes and ancestry that I grew up with and intuitively connected with in nature from an early age.

From 2015 to 2018, I undertook a three-year apprenticeship with Joanna van der Hoeven and Robin Herne at the Druid College.

In 2018, I joined the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids and have completed the Bardic and Ovate Grades, and I am currently studying in the Druid Grade.

The focus of these training programmes is on self-enquiry, establishing relationships with the natural world and working with Awen (inspiration) as a core theme in one’s life. Tree Wisdom, the Wheel of the Year, the eight seasonal festivals and atuning ourselves with natural rhythms are also important aspects of this tradition. 

My explorations of mythology and plant lore have been greatly influenced by Wolf-Dieter Storl, whom I had the fortune of meeting in person during one of his plant wisdom retreats, and by the work of Josh Schrei ( The Emerald Podcast), whose year-long course, The Mythic Body, I completed in 2024.

Yoga & Nondual Shaiva Tantra

During my social work studies (2005–2010) I travelled to India twice, spending half a year each time.

The first time I volunteered at a traditional South Indian Siddha Medicine health centre called Muhil, where I was introduced to Yoga and Pranayama breathwork by several teachers and traditional doctors.

For the second journey I visited all the places Paramahansa Yogananda mentions in his famous Autobiography of a Yogi to research material for my Diploma Thesis on “Yoga and Education”.

Since 2023 I have been studying with Harressh (Christopher Wallis), the author of Tantra Illuminated and the Recognition Sutras. His teachings helped me shift my understanding from a Vedantic philosophy for renunciants to a vibrant practice of embodied liberation that integrates all aspects of life into one coherent system of deep awareness cultivation.

Native American Bushcraft & Shamanism

Growing up, I was part of our local boy scouts group, which introduced me to bushcraft in a playful way. From my teens onwards I enjoyed disappearing into the wilderness, to meet challenges and test my skills.

Much of this will be explored in my upcoming book “Diary of a Vagabond“, which I wrote in German but will eventually translate into English.

Between 2015 and 2018 I studied with Thomas Schorr-Kon, an experienced wilderness mentor and guide, who is a student of Tom Brown Junior and passes on profound bushcraft skills from Grandfather Stalking Wolf, grounded in the Lakota medicine ways.

In 2018 and 2019 I offered one-on-one wilderness immersion programmes for troubled teenage boys, which interlinked with my passion for Men’s Work and rites of passage.

Ancean Mysticism of the Pacos

Since 2020 I have been exploring Andean Mysticism, initially with  Freddy Puma Quispe Singona through his Shift Network courses and now with Joan Wilcox, author of Masters of the Living Energy.

The principles of Ayni, sacred reciprocity, and the idea of harmonising our energy exchanges with people and places feel remarkably compatible with the Druidic approach. This vibrant and colourful tradition teaches practical methods for releasing heavy energy, making offerings and communicating with natural spiritual forces such as mountains, waterfalls and the stars.

In particular, the Qanchispatañan deeply resonates with me; this staircase of evolution model offers an empowering vision for humanity to evolve into a more collaborative and interconnected stage of maturity.

Qi Gong

Qi Gong is one of my favourite movement practices. This “art of effortless power” empowers people to stay healthy, focusing on longevity and balance.

I followed Lee Holden‘s classes for a while before signing up for his student Nick Loffree‘s teacher training, which I completed in 2024.